

We offer accommodation in single and double rooms, studios and in an apartment to our guests. The interior of Chateau Montagne hotel is classic and elegant. We set great store by solid wood furniture, earth colours and pastel hues, and natural materials. Elegance, comfort, peacefulness and snugness – the atmosphere is suitable for vacation, work and fun.

Come! Book your stay! We are waiting for you!

Single Room

The room is spacious and full of light. A warm and soft fitted carpet engulfs the sound of your footsteps.

Deluxe Double room

The atmosphere of the Deluxe Double room predisposes you to relaxation and peacefulness.


The studio is a great solution for couples, who want to spend a nice, long romantic vacation, as well as for families with children.


The apartment of Chateau Montagne hotel offers special comforts to its guests. Its rooms are full of light, spacious, furnished in a classic and elegant style.